Yogyakarta is a center for traditional crafts

We can set up a Jamu (traditional Herbal drinks) Workshops for our guests, directly on our land. It takes around two hours. You will learn the basics of Jamu Making and you will get the  finished Jamu in bottles yourself to enjoy it in the next days.

Our village is the center of Wayang Kulit (Leather Puppets for Shadow Plays) and we can arrange a Workshop with you att the studio of Pak Sagio, who is a famous artists for Wayang Kulit Puppets. The workshop will take in his studio and can be from half day until longer terms according to your needs.

Around 10 km Southeast of our land is the village Giriloyo, which is known for producing traditional Batik for the Sultan Palace. The workshops uses natural pigments for their Batik. It is a beautiful village to visit, buy Batik and we can help you booking a half day (or longer) Batik Workshop.

In a village nearby from ours lives one of the very few remaining mask carvers in Yogyakarta. We can help you to make an appointement to visit him. It is possible to learn mask carving in his studio, but you should have at least a few days time for it to understand the basic principles.